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Can I change my mind or cancel a preorder?
Absolutely!You can request cancellation by emailing us at at any time between ordering and the items coming into stock. Please include the order number and if possible provide some feedback on why you have made the decision, as this information can help us to improve our services in the future.
What happens if I order in-stock items and Pre Orders in the same order?
By default, we will only ship orders when the full order is ready to go.In that case, if you would like items as soon as they are available we strongly recommend you place multiple orders for different categories of products. For example, if you are ordering Wagons, place a single order with a single wagon type (for example, ordering all HUO together, or all PCV Cemflo together).If you are ordering Locomotives and wagons, it is ideal to place two orders, one for the locomotives, and one for the wagons unless all of the items are showing In Stock on the website.
Do you take payment for Pre Orders
For most preorders, the charge is Deferred until delivery, so you pay No Money Down.Ensure always that the Cart / Checkout shows "Deferred Charge" with a balance to pay today of Zero, before completing checkout.You can also choose to pay in instalments over 6 months. We also provide the option to pay in instalments where you can choose the downpayment and term (up to 6 months)For other items payment is collected when you place the order.